
While sitting at my drawing board in sleepy upstate New York, I get to watch the passing of the seasons and mull over the foibles of human nature, all of which have been gently poked at in the work I’ve done for a variety of clients, some of whom are listed below:
Ariel Books
Andrews and McMeel
Cover Girl
Dutton Books
Estee Lauder
Good Housekeeping
Grey Advertising
Harper’s Bazaar
Houghton Miflin
Lord and Taylor
Mcalls Magazine
Men’s Health
Penguin Books
Pleasant Company
Proctor and Gamble
Reader’s Digest
Rodale Press
Saatchi & Saatchi
Scholastic Books
Silver Burdette Ginn
Taughton Press
Walker Books
In addition, teaching very energetic primary school students has given me particular insight into the business of illustrating for kids! (Plus, they love it when I draw pictures on the white board!)